Meeting notes from the RARET Nov Workgroup Meeting
Guiding Principles of the Emergency Transportation Provider Network
Summary Report from Hopelink Mobility Management reviewing coordination efforts and lessons learned over the past year of Pandemic Response. Report elements include Coordinated Vaccine Helpline Data.
Meeting Slides for the March 24th 2021 RARET Workgroup Meeting
Meeting Notes from the January 27th 2021 RARET Workgroup.
These slides accompanied the RARET Resiliency Roundtable: Transportation During & Beyond COVID-19 event.
Notes from the July 22nd meeting of the RARET workgroup.
This slide deck contains a presentation from the RARET Workgroup.
Workshop agenda with participant questions.
Notes from the March 25th meeting of the RARET workgroup.
The Regional Alliance for Resilient and Equitable Transportation (RARET) created an After Action Report to analyze the February 2019 snow event and subsequent service changes, strategies, and coordination that occured as a result.
Workshop with the objective to; introduce the Regional Alliance for Resilient and Equitable Transportation (RARET), explore the potential role of a transportation provider in an emergency, understand the basics of Business Continuity Planning, identify how emergency managers can support transportation providers
Provide emergency preparedness training to Hopelink Transportation staff, to reinforce their role (as service-critical staff) in an emergency and equip them to come to work in an emergency to support the regional transportation system
Emergency alert system. How to communicate with the public in a way everyone comprehends.