EERC Fiscal Year 2025 Workplan including the following projects: Medical Chaperone Pilot Project, Transportation Resource Guides, and Preparing for Driving Retirement Workshop
This is the Snoqualmie Valley Mobility Coalition 2025 Work Plan which outlines the coalition's priorities and projects for fiscal year 2025
This is the SKCMC's Fiscal Year 2025 Work Plan, which outlines the coalition's priorities and projects for fiscal year 2025.
Find a Ride Advisory Committee Meeting Notes, August 5, 2024
1) RARET/ETPN Tabletop
2) King County Metro Fall Changes
3) Cross-County Transportation Updates
Find a Ride Advisory Committee Meeting slides, August 5, 2024
1) RARET/ETPN Tabletop
2) King County Metro Fall Service Changes
3) Cross-County Transportation Updates
These are the meeting slides from the August 9th Coalition meeting.
These are the meeting minutes from the Snoqualmie Valley Mobility Coalition meeting held on August 9th, 2024
EERC Meeting Slide Deck from the bi-monthly coalition meeting held 7-30-24. Fiscal Year 2025 Workplan priorities, projects, and discussion
Meeting Notes from EERC bi-monthly coalition meeting held 7-30-24. Fiscal Year 2025 Workplan priorities, projects, and discussion
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Go over the general responses from the 2024 SKCMC Satisfaction Survey 2) Have an in-depth discussion about the SKCMC Fiscal Year 2025 Work Plan DRAFT 3) Hear an update on City of Tukwila’s SKC Trip Program 4) Hear an update and engage in a discussion about the ongoing Cross-County Transportation Project 5) Network and provide updates SKCMC partners
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Go over the general responses from the 2024 SKCMC Satisfaction Survey 2) Have an in-depth discussion about the SKCMC Fiscal Year 2025 Work Plan DRAFT 3) Hear an update on City of Tukwila’s SKC Trip Program 4) Hear an update and engage in a discussion about the ongoing Cross-County Transportation Project 5) Network and provide updates SKCMC partners
This month's SVMC Coalition meeting featured Jean Kim and Erin Hogan from the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC). They presented information on Consolidated Grants and discussed regional priority rankings to consider for the final grant allocation. While PSRC identifies projects that best align with regional needs by working with stakeholders, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) steps in to handle the next phase of the grants. Additionally, 2024-2025 FY Work Plans were highlighted.
This month's SVMC Coalition meeting featured Jean Kim and Erin Hogan from the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC). They presented information on Consolidated Grants and discussed regional priority rankings to consider for the final grant allocation. While PSRC identifies projects that best align with regional needs by working with stakeholders, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) steps in to handle the next phase of the grants. Additionally, 2024-2025 FY Work Plans were highlighted.
This month's SVMC Coalition meeting featured Jean Kim and Erin Hogan from the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC). They presented information on Consolidated Grants and discussed regional priority rankings to consider for the final grant allocation. While PSRC identifies projects that best align with regional needs by working with stakeholders, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) steps in to handle the next phase of the grants. Additionally, 2024-2025 FY Work Plans were highlighted.
Notes taken by Otter ai
1) Find a Ride's Trip Planner
2) City of Shoreline: Reduced Trip Reduction\
3) Fiscal Year 2025 Work Plan
4) Resource Guide Project Updates
1) Find a Ride's Trip Planner
2) City of Shoreline's Reduced Trip Reduction
3) FY2025 Work Plan
4) Cross-County Transportation Updates
EERC Meeting slides from the City of Bellevue.
EERC Meeting slides for 5-28-24 including a presentation from City of Bellevue about a proposed speed reduction program. EERC Fiscal Year 2025 work plan is also discussed.
EERC meeting notes from 5-28-24 that includes City of Bellevue presentation about a speed reduction program. EERC Fiscal Year 2025 is discussed.
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Hear an update on the Find a Ride Trip project and a demo of the trip planner 2) Engage in an update and discussion about the ongoing Cross-County Transportation Project 4) Network and provide updates to SKCMC partners.
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Hear an update on the Find a Ride Trip project and a demo of the trip planner 2) Engage in an update and discussion about the ongoing Cross-County Transportation Project 4) Network and provide updates to SKCMC partners.
Join SVMC's April Coalition meeting for updates from Amy Biggs, SVT Director, on Snoqualmie Valley Transportation, a presentation on WSDOT Consolidated Grants by Matthew Cramer, and a Find a Ride Program Update with Laura Loe. We'll wrap up with final thoughts, discussions, and closing remarks. Please refer to the enclosed information for meeting details, including the full agenda, Zoom link, and reference documents - WSDOT Consolidated Grants.
Join SVMC's April Coalition meeting for updates from Amy Biggs, SVT Director, on Snoqualmie Valley Transportation, a presentation on WSDOT Consolidated Grants by Matthew Cramer, and a Find a Ride Program Update with Laura Loe. We'll wrap up with final thoughts, discussions, and closing remarks. Please refer to the enclosed information for meeting details, including the full agenda, Zoom link, and reference documents - WSDOT Consolidated Grants.
Join SVMC's April Coalition meeting for updates from Amy Biggs, SVT Director, on Snoqualmie Valley Transportation, a presentation on WSDOT Consolidated Grants by Matthew Cramer, and a Find a Ride Program Update with Laura Loe. We'll wrap up with final thoughts, discussions, and closing remarks. Please refer to the enclosed information for meeting details, including the full agenda, Zoom link, and reference documents - WSDOT Consolidated Grants.
Notes taken by Otter ai
1) City of Shoreline E-scooter/bike share Pilot Program
2) Ballard Link Extension
3) Resource Guide Project Updates
1) City of Shoreline E-scooter/bike share Pilot Program
2) Ballard Link Extension
3) Resource Guide Project Updates
Meeting notes from April 3, 2024 Access to Healthcare meeting.
Find a Ride Advisory Meeting Notes March 2024
EERC Meeting notes from March 26, 2024 with a presentation from Seth Daphne Esmeson, Program Manager of Safety with Sound Transit.
EERC Meeting slide deck from March 26, 2024 with a presentation from Seth Daphne Esmeson, Program Manager of Safety with Sound Transit.
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Hear an update on Hopelink Mobility team’s Community Transportation Navigator program 2) Learn more about the SKCMC project we’ll be tackling this year—Crossing Borders Transportation Project! 3) Network and provide updates to SKCMC partners.
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Hear an update on Hopelink Mobility team’s Community Transportation Navigator program 2) Learn more about the SKCMC project we’ll be tacking this year—Crossing Borders Transportation Project! 3) Network and provide updates to SKCMC partners.
KCMC Meeting agenda for 2-20-24 including an overview of the transportation solutions summit, Metro Flex updates, and KCMC achievements and project updates.
February 2024's Snoqualmie Valley Mobility Coalition Agenda includes Snoqualmie Valley Transportation Updates, with Amy Biggs, SVT Director; Round-robin review of what's happening in the Valley; Community Van – King County Metro will provide regional program updates along with upcoming events, with Teresa Ngo, TNgo@Hopelink; Lastly, Transportation Choices Coalition will provide current WA State Legislative Updates from the 2024 short session, with Nivya Murthi,
February 2024's Snoqualmie Valley Mobility Coalition PowerPoint includes Snoqualmie Valley Transportation Updates, with Amy Biggs, SVT Director; Round-robin review of what's happening in the Valley; Community Van – King County Metro will provide regional program updates along with upcoming events, with Teresa Ngo, TNgo@Hopelink; Lastly, Transportation Choices Coalition will provide current WA State Legislative Updates from the 2024 short session, with Nivya Murthi,
Meeting notes from February 7, 2024 Access to Healthcare meeting.
February 2024's Snoqualmie Valley Mobility Coalition PowerPoint includes Snoqualmie Valley Transportation Updates, with Amy Biggs, SVT Director; Round-robin review of what's happening in the Valley; Community Van – King County Metro will provide regional program updates along with upcoming events, with Teresa Ngo, TNgo@Hopelink; Lastly, Transportation Choices Coalition will provide current WA State Legislative Updates from the 2024 short session, with Nivya Murthi,
Meeting Date: 2024/02/28
Meeting Date: 2024/02/22
At KCMC's February meeting, the Coalition learned about the Transportation Solutions Summit in November 2023 and its connection to KCMC's Action Plan; received updates on King County Metro's Metro Flex program; reviewed KCMC's 2023 achievements and upcoming project plans; and provided partner and regional agency briefings and updates.
At KCMC's February meeting, the Coalition learned about the Transportation Solutions Summit in November 2023 and its connection to KCMC's Action Plan; received updates on King County Metro's Metro Flex program; reviewed KCMC's 2023 achievements and upcoming project plans; and provided partner and regional agency briefings and updates.
At KCMC's February meeting, the Coalition learned about the Transportation Solutions Summit in November 2023 and its connection to KCMC's Action Plan; received updates on King County Metro's Metro Flex program; reviewed KCMC's 2023 achievements and upcoming project plans; and provided partner and regional agency briefings and updates.
At KCMC's February meeting, the Coalition learned about the Transportation Solutions Summit in November 2023 and its connection to KCMC's Action Plan; received updates on King County Metro's Metro Flex program; reviewed KCMC's 2023 achievements and upcoming project plans; and provided partner and regional agency briefings and updates.
The 2023 Snoqualmie Valley Mobility Coalition Achievements support our vision of connecting communities to improve transportation opportunities for the Snoqualmie Valley. The Snoqualmie Valley Mobility Coalition (SVMC) believes affordable, accessible, reliable, and safe transportation is necessary for life. It is dedicated to connecting communities to improve Snoqualmie Valley's transportation.
Join Hopelink, Every Ride Counts, and Find a Ride’s Advisory Members, in reaching out to the community and promoting Find a Ride’s new trip planner, now in a community testing phase!
This one-pager outlines the work of the North King County Mobility Coalition in 2023. For more information contact the North King County Mobility Coordinator.
EERC End of Year Achievements for 2023
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Hear an update on Hopelink Mobility team’s Community Transportation Navigator program 2) Learn more about the SKCMC project we’ll be tacking this year—Crossing Borders Transportation Project! 3) Network and provide updates to SKCMC partners.
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Hear an update on Hopelink Mobility team’s Community Transportation Navigator program 2) Learn more about the SKCMC project we’ll be tacking this year—Crossing Borders Transportation Project! 3) Network and provide updates to SKCMC partners.
The following achievements demonstrate our teamwork, resiliency, and creativity in accomplishing our mission in 2023.
EERC Meeting notes from January 30th, 2024. Presenters include Teresa Ngo with Hopelink re: Community Van's launch in Redmond; Kate Nesse with the City of Bellevue re: Updates on the Bellevue Comprehensive Plan; Arthur Bachus with Sound Transit, re: updates on the Light Rail expansion and pending opening of the 2 Line.
This month's Advisory Committee meeting included: Project Milestones and Updates, FTA ICAM Grant follow-up, Q&A, Feedback from Community Testing, Soft-launch Readiness, and Continuous Improvements,
EERC Meeting Agenda from 1-30-24 including presentations about the Redmond launch of Community Van, Updates on the Bellevue Comprehensive Plan, and information about the 2 Line opening Spring of 2024.
Meeting slides from EERC meeting on 1-30-24, including. Slide decks from City of Bellevue, Community Van, and Sound Transit are uploaded separately
Sound Transit slide deck from EERC meeting on 1-3-24 that includes updates on the opening of the 2 Line in Spring of 2024
Meeting slides from City of Bellevue about the Comprehensive Plan 1-30-24
EERC Meeting slides covering Community Van Redmond launch 1-30-24
Meeting Date: 2023/12/14 from 10:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
1) Subsidized Annual Pass (pages 7-31)
2) Ride United Transportation Access (pages 32-47)
3) North King County Mobility Coalition Satisfaction Survey (pages 48-52)
4) North King County Mobility Coalition 2023 Achivements (pages 53-58)
The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) granted Find a Ride the opportunity to participate in their Every Ride Counts Pilot Program. Hopelink integrated the Every Ride Counts campaign branding and values into our marketing plan for Find a Ride’s trip planner. Through our inclusive planning process and ongoing coalition partnerships, we brought together public transit, human services transportation providers, aging and disability organizations, community leaders, and community members—including older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers. These community members gave feedback about NADTC’s Every Ride Counts Campaign from August through November 2023. As part of launching our trip planner website and recruiting community testers from these partners, we engaged in virtual and in-person community outreach.
Snoqualmie Valley Winter Weather Preparedness and Resources Coalition Meeting:
The National Weather Service's Warning Coordination Meteorologist, Reid Wolcott, will provide insights on the 2023-24 regional winter weather forecast for the PNW, impacting the Snoqualmie Valley. Dean Sydnor, RARET Coordinator, will discuss regional winter tips through compiled resources to support local municipalities and townships during the winter weather season and vital resources to bookmark for easy access. Q & A to discuss winter preparations, sharing insights, procedures, lessons learned, and anticipated needs.
FOCUS: The presentation provides lifesaving information, resources, bookmarks, and contacts to optimize regional response strategies by minimizing the risks of weather-related disruptions while maintaining operational adeptness for rural residents.
Snoqualmie Valley Winter Weather Preparedness and Resources Coalition Meeting:
The National Weather Service's Warning Coordination Meteorologist, Reid Wolcott, will provide insights on the 2023-24 regional winter weather forecast for the PNW, impacting the Snoqualmie Valley. Dean Sydnor, RARET Coordinator, will discuss regional winter tips through compiled resources to support local municipalities and townships during the winter weather season and vital resources to bookmark for easy access. Q & A to discuss winter preparations, sharing insights, procedures, lessons learned, and anticipated needs.
FOCUS: The presentation provides lifesaving information, resources, bookmarks, and contacts to optimize regional response strategies by minimizing the risks of weather-related disruptions while maintaining operational adeptness for rural residents.
Snoqualmie Valley Winter Weather Preparedness and Resources Coalition Meeting:
The National Weather Service's Warning Coordination Meteorologist, Reid Wolcott, will provide insights on the 2023-24 regional winter weather forecast for the PNW, impacting the Snoqualmie Valley. Dean Sydnor, RARET Coordinator, will discuss regional winter tips through compiled resources to support local municipalities and townships during the winter weather season and vital resources to bookmark for easy access. Q & A to discuss winter preparations, sharing insights, procedures, lessons learned, and anticipated needs.
FOCUS: The presentation provides lifesaving information, resources, bookmarks, and contacts to optimize regional response strategies by minimizing the risks of weather-related disruptions while maintaining operational adeptness for rural residents.
Find a Ride, a one-call/one-click project, Advisory Committee Meeting Notes from our 12/13/2023 special meeting to review Phase 1a Evaluation Report
This document's purpose is to summarize the lessons learned over the course of the past year. Such a retrospective is valuable for a project designed to innovate and advance the state of the field regarding technology tools in support of mobility for all. The content is based on the author's direct experience on the project as a technical resource and on interviews with vendors, Hopelink staff, and project stakeholders.
Meeting notes for the December 14, 2023 North King County Mobility coalition meeting.
Meeting presentation slides from December 2023.
Bike Bellevue's presentation slides for EERC meeting on 11-28-23
EERC Meeting agenda for 11-28-23 including presentations from Bike Bellevue and Eastside Friends of Seniors
EERC meeting notes with presentations from Bike Bellevue and Eastside Friends of Seniors
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Learn about the proposed fare changes for Sound Transit’s Link light rail and provide insights 2) Hear key updates about the development of Find a Ride’s trip planner and conduct user testing 3) Network and provide updates to SKCMC partners.
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Learn about the proposed fare changes for Sound Transit’s Link light rail and provide insights 2) Hear key updates about the development of Find a Ride’s trip planner and conduct user testing 3) Network and provide updates to SKCMC partners.
Meeting Presentation Power Points
King County Mobility Coalition East Link Update 20231114.pdf
This details methodology and findings from User Testing from April through October 2023 for Find a Ride's trip planner.