EERC Fiscal Year 2025 Workplan including the following projects: Medical Chaperone Pilot Project, Transportation Resource Guides, and Preparing for Driving Retirement Workshop
EERC Meeting Agenda for 11-12-24 discussing Eastside shuttles, including a presentation by Transportation Planner with the City of Redmond, Mary L'Heureux
EERC Meeting notes from 11-12-24 covering the topic of Eastside shuttles, including a presentation from Transportation Planner, Mary L'Heureux
EERC Meeting notes discussing Eastside shuttles, including a presentation from Transportation Planner, Mary L'Heureux with the City of Redmond
EERC Meeting notes for 9-24-24 including presentation by KC Metro about Shaping the Future of Paratransit project and EERC project updates
EERC Meeting agenda for 9-24-24 including presentation from KC Metro about Shaping the Future of Paratransit project and EERC project updates
EERC Meeting Slide Deck for 9-24-24 including presentation by KC Metro about Shaping the Future of Paratransit project, and EERC Project Updates
EERC Meeting Slide Deck from the bi-monthly coalition meeting held 7-30-24. Fiscal Year 2025 Workplan priorities, projects, and discussion
Meeting Notes from EERC bi-monthly coalition meeting held 7-30-24. Fiscal Year 2025 Workplan priorities, projects, and discussion
EERC Meeting slides from the City of Bellevue.
EERC Meeting slides for 5-28-24 including a presentation from City of Bellevue about a proposed speed reduction program. EERC Fiscal Year 2025 work plan is also discussed.
EERC meeting notes from 5-28-24 that includes City of Bellevue presentation about a speed reduction program. EERC Fiscal Year 2025 is discussed.
EERC Meeting notes from March 26, 2024 with a presentation from Seth Daphne Esmeson, Program Manager of Safety with Sound Transit.
EERC Meeting slide deck from March 26, 2024 with a presentation from Seth Daphne Esmeson, Program Manager of Safety with Sound Transit.
EERC Meeting slides covering Community Van Redmond launch 1-30-24
Meeting slides from City of Bellevue about the Comprehensive Plan 1-30-24
Sound Transit slide deck from EERC meeting on 1-3-24 that includes updates on the opening of the 2 Line in Spring of 2024
Meeting slides from EERC meeting on 1-30-24, including. Slide decks from City of Bellevue, Community Van, and Sound Transit are uploaded separately
EERC Meeting Agenda from 1-30-24 including presentations about the Redmond launch of Community Van, Updates on the Bellevue Comprehensive Plan, and information about the 2 Line opening Spring of 2024.
EERC Meeting notes from January 30th, 2024. Presenters include Teresa Ngo with Hopelink re: Community Van's launch in Redmond; Kate Nesse with the City of Bellevue re: Updates on the Bellevue Comprehensive Plan; Arthur Bachus with Sound Transit, re: updates on the Light Rail expansion and pending opening of the 2 Line.
EERC meeting notes with presentations from Bike Bellevue and Eastside Friends of Seniors
EERC Meeting agenda for 11-28-23 including presentations from Bike Bellevue and Eastside Friends of Seniors
Bike Bellevue's presentation slides for EERC meeting on 11-28-23
Meeting notes from EERC bi-monthly coalition meeting. Presenters included Franz Loewenherz from the City of Bellevue about the project, Bike Bellevue, and Jordan Hoover and Cristina Gonzales from King County Metro about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan.
EERC Meeting slides - Bike Bellevue's presentation
EERC Meeting slides from 9-26-23. Topics include Bike Bellevue and KC Metro's ADA Transition Plan
EERC Meeting agenda from 9-26-23 including presentations from Bike Bellevue and KC Metro's ADA transition plan
EERC meeting agenda including information about the Rides & Smiles Pilot Shuttle, Find a Ride, and the EERC Fiscal Year 2024 Workplan
EERC meeting notes including information about the Rides & Smiles Pilot Shuttle, Find a Ride, and the EERC Fiscal Year 2024 Workplan
EERC meeting slides including information about the Rides & Smiles Pilot Shuttle, Find a Ride, and the EERC Fiscal Year 2024 Workplan
Laura Loe, Program Manager for Find a Ride, presented an overview for the One-Call/One-Click program, including the latest developments with user testing.
Meeting notes for EERC meeting held 3-28-23 including presentation about Rides & Smiles pilot shuttle update, East Link Light Rail Expansion Project, and City of Redmond Accessibility Project.
EERC slide deck presentation created and presented by Beckye Frey, from City of Redmond, describing an accessibility project aimed and improving accessibility to light rail stations in Redmond (wayfinding, etc.)
EERC Meeting Slide Deck including Sound Transit presentation on East Link Light Rail Expansion Project
EERC Meeting Agenda including updates about Rides & Smiles pilot shuttle project, East Link Light Rail Expansion, and City of Redmond Accessibility Project.
Meeting slides from EERC coalition meeting held 1-31-23, including updates on the Rides & Smiles pilot shuttle program, information about the Kirkland Comprehensive Plan, and an update on the Eastside Advocacy for Transportation Services group.
EERC Meeting notes from 1-31-23 including updates on the Rides & Smiles pilot shuttle program, information about the Kirkland Comprehensive Plan, and updates about the Eastside Advocacy for Transportation Services group.
EERC meeting agenda 1-31-23 including updates on the Rides & Smiles pilot shuttle project, information about the Kirkland Comprehensive Plan, and information about the Eastside Advocacy for Transportation Services group.
A summary report of 2022 focus group efforts led by the Eastside Easy Rider Collaborative and the King County Mobility Coalition
EERC Meeting notes including presentations from Phirun Lach, with Sound Generations regarding the Rides & Smiles pilot shuttle program, Daniel Lai with the City of Bellevue Transportation Department regarding pedestrian movements and traffic signals, Bebhinn Gilbert, with KCMC regarding the action plan, and Heather Clark, with results of the EERC Satisfaction Survey.
EERC Meeting slide deck including presentations from Phirun Lach, with Sound Generations regarding the Rides & Smiles pilot shuttle program, Daniel Lai with the City of Bellevue Transportation Department regarding pedestrian movements and traffic signals, Bebhinn Gilbert, with KCMC regarding the action plan, and Heather Clark, with results of the EERC Satisfaction Survey.
Meeting Notes from the Eastside Easy Rider Collaborative Meeting held 9-27-22, including presentations about the Eastside Mobility for All grant project, the Bellevue Comprehensive Plan, and Frequency in Transit.
Meeting Agenda for Eastside Easy Rider Collaborative Meeting held 9-27-22 including an update from the Eastside Mobility for All grant project, the Bellevue Comprehensive Plan, and Frequency in Transit
Meeting slides from the Eastside Easy Rider Collaborative meeting held 9-27-22, including presentations about the Bellevue Comprehensive Plan 2044 and Frequency in Transit from WSDOT
Workplan for Fiscal Year 2023 for Eastside Easy Rider Collaborative
Meeting Notes for Eastside Easy Rider Collaborative meeting held 7-26-22, including presentations from Eastside Friends of Seniors and Bellevue Safe Streets for All grant application.
Meeting presentation slides including Eastside Friends of Seniors and Bellevue Safe Streets for All grant project from 7-26-22
Eastside Easy Rider Collaborative Notes including the following topics: East Link, New ORCA, Eastside Mobility for All grant project, and Fiscal Year 2023 plans.
Eastside Easy Rider Collaborative Meeting Presentation Slides including presentations regarding East Link, New ORCA, Eastside Mobility for All, and Fiscal Year 2023 plans.
Eastside Easy Rider Collaborative Meeting Notes including presentations from 211, Bus Rapid Transit, and an update from the Eastside Mobility for All grant project.
Meeting presentation slide deck including presentations from 211, Bus Rapid Transit, and an update on the Eastside Mobility for All grant project.
Presentation slides from 1-25-22
Changes in programming at Redmond Senior Center.
Presentation materials from Sound Transit, given to the EERC during the November 2021 meeting. The presentation covers the East Link extention project.
Meeting notes from the EERC November session
Meeting visuals and presentation material from the November 2021 meeting.