This document reviews project priorities of the Access to Healthcare Committee for a yearly work-plan.
This document details the feedback received through Round 1 and Round 2 of the King County Mobility Coalition's Inclusive Planning grant as it relates to a One-Call One-Click system. It compiles information gathered from summits, listening sessions, outreach, and surveying.
This document reviews a variety of accomplishments the King County Mobility Coalition achieved through it's collaboration, coordination, and advocacy in 2018.
This report details the lessons learned and process of the One-Call One-Click Prototype conducted in November 2019.
These are frequently asked questions and notes compiled during a KCMC Education and Outreach field trip to tour North Eastside Mobility Project changes.
This is the project charter for the One-Call One-Click Prototype study conducted in November 2019.
This slide deck features a presentation from The Vida Agency about their interviews for the Community Transportation Navigators program.
This report was compiled by The Vida Agency to inform the creation of Community Transportation Navigators program.
This document shares the findings and information compiled after interviews with parallel peer-to-peer model programs to contribute to a Community Transportation Navigator program.
This slide deck for the King County Mobility Coalition's November 19th, 2019 meeting shares a presentation on One-Call One-Click among other briefings.
These are frequently asked questions and notes compiled during a KCMC Education and Outreach field trip to tour Sound Transit's Connect 2020 changes occurring in January to March of 2020.
The King County Mobility Coalition, through it's Access to Work and School Committee, produced this helpful handout to determine the different types of ORCA cards an individual can qualify for.
The King County Mobility Coalition, through it's Access to Work and School Committee, produced this helpful handout to determine the different types of ORCA cards an individual can qualify for. This is the Spanish version of the resource.
The King County Mobility Coalition, through it's Access to Work and School Committee, produced this helpful handout to determine the different types of ORCA cards an individual can qualify for. This is the Korean version of the resource.
The King County Mobility Coalition, through it's Access to Work and School Committee, produced this helpful handout to determine the different types of ORCA cards an individual can qualify for. This is the Chinese (traditional) version of the resource.
The King County Mobility Coalition, through it's Access to Work and School Committee, produced this helpful handout to determine the different types of ORCA cards an individual can qualify for. This is the Filipino (Tagalog) version of the resource.
The King County Mobility Coalition, through it's Access to Work and School Committee, produced this helpful handout to determine the different types of ORCA cards an individual can qualify for. This is the Japanese version of the resource.
The King County Mobility Coalition, through it's Access to Work and School Committee, produced this helpful handout to determine the different types of ORCA cards an individual can qualify for. This is the Chinese (simplified) version of the resource.
The King County Mobility Coalition, through it's Access to Work and School Committee, produced this helpful handout to determine the different types of ORCA cards an individual can qualify for. This is the Nepali version of the resource.
The King County Mobility Coalition, through it's Access to Work and School Committee, produced this helpful handout to determine the different types of ORCA cards an individual can qualify for. This is the Vietnamese version of the resource.
This document is the project charter for the King County Mobility Coalition's Inclusive Planning Community Transportation Navigators & Marketing, Distribution, and Outreach projects, as led by the similarly named workgroup. It
This is the project charter for the King County Mobility Coalition's work on a One-Call One-Click system through it's Inclusive Planning grant from April 1st, 2019 to January 31st, 2020.
This slide deck for the King County Mobility Coalition meeting on August 20, 2019 shares a presentation on ORCA Next Gen, a follow-up to the Immigrants and Refugees Needs Assessment, an Inclusive Planning update, and other briefings.
This is a slide deck that accomponied a KCMC Education and Outreach field trip to learn more about two of King County's first / last mile transportation solutions, Via to Transit and Ride2.
These are notes compiled during a KCMC Education and Outreach field trip to learn more about two of King County's first / last mile transportation solutions, Via to Transit and Ride2.
This needs assessment, produced by the University of Washington's Evans School of Public Policy and Governance Graduate Consulting Lab on behalf of the King County Mobility Coalition, assesses the barriers and needs of immigrant and refugee populations in King County as they relate to transportation and mobility.
This slide deck for the King County Mobility Coalition meeting on May 21st, 2019 features a presentation on the Transportation Barriers and Needs for Immigrants and Refugees in King County (based on the KCMC needs assessment), an update on King County Metro's income-based fare program, and other agenda items.
King County Metro shared about their previous and updated fare enforcement policy, in addition to the process of reforming it, at the King County Mobility Coalition meeting on February 19th, 2019.
This report details the King County Mobility Coalition's work and findings done during Round 1 efforts of the Inclusive Planning grant.
This is a report produced by the Education and Outreach Committee of the King County Mobility Coalition with details on King County Metro's Community Van program after a field trip interacted with the service in 2018.
This evaluation report reviews the field trip series, with a total of 16 trips, facilitated by the King County Mobility Coalition's Education and Outreach Committee in 2017 and 2018.
This document reviews a variety of accomplishments the King County Mobility Coalition achieved through it's collaboration, coordination, and advocacy in 2018.
This is a report produced by the Education and Outreach Committee of the King County Mobility Coalition with details on the Wallingford Senior Center's Van program after a field trip interacted with the service in 2018.
This is a report produced by the Education and Outreach Committee of the King County Mobility Coalition with details on the various Muckleshoot Department of Transportation programs after a field trip interacted with the service in 2018.
This is a report produced by the Education and Outreach Committee of the King County Mobility Coalition with details on Eastside Friends of Seniors' volunteer driver program after a field trip interacted with the service in 2018.
This is a report produced by the Education and Outreach Committee of the King County Mobility Coalition with details on First Transit's Travel Training after a field trip interacted with the services in 2018.
This is a report produced by the Education and Outreach Committee of the King County Mobility Coalition with details on Community Transit's Swift Bus Rapid Transit after a field trip interacted with the service in 2018.
This is a report produced by the Education and Outreach Committee of the King County Mobility Coalition with details on Catholic Community Services' Volunteer Transportation Program after a field trip interacted with the service in 2018.
This set of notes went alongside the needs and gaps dot activity conducted during the May 15th, 2018 King County Mobility Coalition meeting.
This is a report produced by the Education and Outreach Committee of the King County Mobility Coalition with details on Seattle Department of Transportation's Emergency Operations Center program after a field trip interacted with the service in 2018.
This is a report produced by the Education and Outreach Committee of the King County Mobility Coalition with details on King County Metro's Rideshare program after a field trip interacted with the service in 2018.
This is a report produced by the Education and Outreach Committee of the King County Mobility Coalition with details on King County Metro's Taxi Scrip program after a field trip interacted with the service in 2018.
At the February 20th, 2018 King County Mobility Coalition meeting, Seattle's Department of Transportation shared about new mobility and their adoption of it.
This presentation was shared with the King County Mobility Coalition at their February 20th, 2018 meeting. It discusses Uber's approach to efficent mobility.
This is an assessment of the current fare structures for public transportation across King County in Washington State. Two main public transportation agencies serve King County: King County Metro, which operates local and commuter buses, King County Water Taxis (the West Seattle and Vashon routes), and partners with community organizations to provide a variety of transportation options; and Sound Transit, which operates Sounder commuter rail, Link light rail, and regional express buses.
The Education & Outreach Committee of the King County Mobility Coalition successfully published a new edition of the Community Travel Tips: Paying to Ride
The Education & Outreach Committee of the King County Mobility Coalition successfully published a new edition of the Community Travel Tips: Trip Planning and Alternative Transportation
This is a report produced by the Education and Outreach Committee of the King County Mobility Coalition with details on Sound Generation's various transportation programs after a field trip interacted with the services in 2018.
The Education & Outreach Committee of the King County Mobility Coalition successfully published a new edition of the Community Travel Tips: Riding the Bus.
The King County Mobility Coalition produced this Volunteer Transportation Guide to survey our area's various volunteer transportation programs.
This flyer was made to summarize the King County Mobility Coalition's Round 1 Inclusive Planning efforts.
This is a report produced by the Education and Outreach Committee of the King County Mobility Coalition with details on Hopelink's Demand Area Response Transit (DART) operations after a field trip interacted with the service in 2017.
Travel tips & information for clients staying at Sophia Way in Bellevue, a shelter and day center for women experiencing homelessness.
This document reviews a variety of accomplishments the King County Mobility Coalition achieved through it's collaboration, coordination, and advocacy in 2017.
This is a report produced by the Education and Outreach Committee of the King County Mobility Coalition with details on Hopelink's Medicaid operations after a field trip interacted with the service in 2017.
This presentation details Age Friendly Seattle's work and purpose. It was shared at the King County Mobility Coalition meeting on November 16, 2017.
This one-pager details the King County Mobility Coalition's participation in the City for All Hackathon, sponspored by City of Seattle and AARP.
This is a report produced by the Education and Outreach Committee of the King County Mobility Coalition with details on Northshore Senior Center's transportation program after a field trip interacted with the services in 2017.
This is a report produced by the Education and Outreach Committee of the King County Mobility Coalition with details on the Snoqualmie Valley Transportation operations for rural King County after a field trip interacted with the services in 2017.