This is the SKCMC's Fiscal Year 2025 Work Plan, which outlines the coalition's priorities and projects for fiscal year 2025.
The following achievements demonstrate our teamwork, resiliency, and creativity in accomplishing our mission in 2024.
This is the South King County Cross-county Transportation DIGITAL Resource Guide. It provides in-depth information about the transportation options available to people traveling in South King County who are looking for both cross-county and local transportation.
Disclaimer: Overtime, this document may become out of date. For the most up-to-date information, please contact the transportation service provider directly.
This is the South King County Cross-county Transportation PHYSICAL Resource Guide. It provides high-level information about cross-county transportation options available to people traveling in and around South King County. This resource guide is for the benefit of our South King County partners and clients, so please print and distribute it as needed. For more information about cross-county transportation options, see South King County Cross-county Transportation DIGITAL Resource Guide. There, you will discover more in-depth information about transportation options.
Disclaimer: Overtime, this document may become out of date. For the most up-to-date information, please contact the transportation service provider directly.
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region.
Meeting Goals: 1) Learn about phase 2 of King County Metro’s South Link Connections Mobility Project 2) Learn about Sound Transit’s At-Grade Crossing online open house and how partners and the community can engage with it 3) Hear an update on the ongoing Cross-county Transportation Project 4) Listen and share partner announcements
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region.
Meeting Goals: 1) Learn about phase 2 of King County Metro’s South Link Connections Mobility Project 2) Learn about Sound Transit’s At-Grade Crossing online open house and how partners and the community can engage with it 3) Hear an update on the ongoing Cross-county Transportation Project 4) Listen and share partner announcements
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region.
Meeting Goals: 1) Learn about the findings of the Porsesh Policy Research Institute’s most recent studies, which focuses on Afghan immigrants in WA state 2) Learn about Sound Transit’s At-grade Crossing Safety program in Rainier Valley Corridor 3) Hear a final Cross-County Transportation Project update 4) Listen and share partner announcements
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region.
Meeting Goals: 1) Learn about the findings of the Porsesh Policy Research Institute’s most recent studies, which focuses on Afghan immigrants in WA state 2) Learn about Sound Transit’s At-grade Crossing Safety program in Rainier Valley Corridor 3) Hear a final Cross-County Transportation Project update 4) Listen and share partner announcements
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region.
Meeting Goals: 1) Learn about King County Metro’s The Future of Paratransit Project 2) Hear a Cross-County Transportation Project and provide feedback 3) Listen to and share partner announcements
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region.
Meeting Goals: 1) Learn about King County Metro’s The Future of Paratransit Project 2) Hear a Cross-County Transportation Project and provide feedback 3) Listen to and share partner announcements
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Go over the general responses from the 2024 SKCMC Satisfaction Survey 2) Have an in-depth discussion about the SKCMC Fiscal Year 2025 Work Plan DRAFT 3) Hear an update on City of Tukwila’s SKC Trip Program 4) Hear an update and engage in a discussion about the ongoing Cross-County Transportation Project 5) Network and provide updates SKCMC partners
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Go over the general responses from the 2024 SKCMC Satisfaction Survey 2) Have an in-depth discussion about the SKCMC Fiscal Year 2025 Work Plan DRAFT 3) Hear an update on City of Tukwila’s SKC Trip Program 4) Hear an update and engage in a discussion about the ongoing Cross-County Transportation Project 5) Network and provide updates SKCMC partners
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Hear an update on the Find a Ride Trip project and a demo of the trip planner 2) Engage in an update and discussion about the ongoing Cross-County Transportation Project 4) Network and provide updates to SKCMC partners.
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Hear an update on the Find a Ride Trip project and a demo of the trip planner 2) Engage in an update and discussion about the ongoing Cross-County Transportation Project 4) Network and provide updates to SKCMC partners.
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Hear an update on Hopelink Mobility team’s Community Transportation Navigator program 2) Learn more about the SKCMC project we’ll be tackling this year—Crossing Borders Transportation Project! 3) Network and provide updates to SKCMC partners.
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Hear an update on Hopelink Mobility team’s Community Transportation Navigator program 2) Learn more about the SKCMC project we’ll be tacking this year—Crossing Borders Transportation Project! 3) Network and provide updates to SKCMC partners.
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Hear an update on Hopelink Mobility team’s Community Transportation Navigator program 2) Learn more about the SKCMC project we’ll be tacking this year—Crossing Borders Transportation Project! 3) Network and provide updates to SKCMC partners.
The following achievements demonstrate our teamwork, resiliency, and creativity in accomplishing our mission in 2023.
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Hear an update on Hopelink Mobility team’s Community Transportation Navigator program 2) Learn more about the SKCMC project we’ll be tacking this year—Crossing Borders Transportation Project! 3) Network and provide updates to SKCMC partners.
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Learn about the proposed fare changes for Sound Transit’s Link light rail and provide insights 2) Hear key updates about the development of Find a Ride’s trip planner and conduct user testing 3) Network and provide updates to SKCMC partners.
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Learn about the proposed fare changes for Sound Transit’s Link light rail and provide insights 2) Hear key updates about the development of Find a Ride’s trip planner and conduct user testing 3) Network and provide updates to SKCMC partners.
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Hear key regional updates that impact South King County 2) Learn about Sound Transit’s updates to their Sounder South Strategic Plan and provide your insights 3) Network and provide updates to SKCMC partners
South King County Mobility Coalition Meeting Notes
This document outlines the Coalition's priorities for the calendar year of 2024. This document includes the Coalition's mission, vision, and descriptions of the 2024 projects and their anticipated timeline.
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Hear updates about education and outreach work in South King County 2) Discuss findings from the Cross-County Transportation project and actionable next steps for South Kind County to pursue the recommendations 3) Finalize the FY24 SKCMC work plan and discuss next steps
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Hear updates about education and outreach work in South King County 2) Discuss findings from the Cross-County Transportation project and actionable next steps for South King County to pursue the recommendations 3) Finalize the FY24 SKCMC work plan and discuss next steps.
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Hear updates about the Find a Ride (One-Call/One-Click) program and how you can get involved. 2) Highlight improvements and changes in South King County transportation options with the new RapidRide H line. 3) Discuss priorities for SKCMC to focus on in fiscal year 2024.
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Hear updates about the Find a Ride (One-Call/One-Click) program and how you can get involved. 2) Highlight improvements and changes in South King County transportation options with the new RapidRide H line. 3) Discuss priorities for SKCMC to focus on in fiscal year 2024.
SKCMC Vision: A transportation network that allows all people to move freely around South King County and the surrounding region. Meeting Goals: 1) Hear updates about the Find a Ride (One-Call/One-Click) program and how you can get involved. 2) Highlight improvements and changes in South King County transportation options with the new RapidRide H line. 3) Discuss priorities for SKCMC to focus on in fiscal year 2024
Meeting notes include information from the Metro Flex service update.
The following achievements demonstrate our teamwork, resiliency, and creativity in accomplishing our mission.
Meeting visuals and slides from the South King County Mobility Coalition bimonthly meeting in January. Slides include announcements and presentations from King County Action Plan and Community Transportation Navigators updates and panel discussion.
Meeting notes from November 10,2022 meeting
Meeting visuals and slides from the South King County Mobility Coalition bimonthly meeting in November. Slides include announcements and presentations from King County Play Equity and Community Transportation Navigators updates.
Meeting notes from Septemner 8, 2022 meeting
Meeting visuals and slides from the South King County Mobility Coalition bimonthly meeting in September. Slides include announcements and presentation from King County Free Youth Transit Pass.
This document outlines the Coalition's priorities for the calendar year of 2023. This document includes Coalition mission and vision, as well as descriptions of the 2023 projects and their anticipated timeline.
Meeting visuals and slides from the South King County Mobility Coalition bimonthly meeting in July. Slides include announcements, presentation from Orting Veteran's Project from Pierce County.
Meeting visuals and slides from the South King County Mobility Coalition bimonthly meeting in May. Slides include announcements, presentation from Metro with ORCA updates, On-Demand Transportation Program, and Lyft's engagement opportunities.
Meeting visuals and slides from the South King County Mobility Coalition bimonthly meeting in January. Slides include announcements, Community Transportation Navigators Project, and notes from Sound Transit and SKC Trips.
This document outlines the Coalition's priorities for the calendar year of 2022. This document includes Coalition mission and vision, as well as descriptions of the 2022 projects and their anticipated timeline.
Meeting notes from Janurary 13, 2022 meeting
Meeting visuals and slides from the South King County Mobility Coalition bimonthly meeting in January. Slides include SKCMC 2021 Achievement's Summary, RARET recap of extreme weather presentations, and announcements.
Sound Transit's presentation on Link Light Rail expansion project.
The following achievements demonstrate our teamwork, resiliency, and creativity in accomplishing our mission.
This draft resource lays out project ideas for the South King County Mobility Coalition to pursue during the 2019-2021 time frame.
Meeting visuals and slides from the South King County Mobility Coalition bimonthly meeting in November. Slides include descriptions of 2021 wrap up, and presentations from Community Transportation Navigators Program and Community Van - Skyway Program.
Meeting notes from november 11, 2021 meeting
Meeting notes from South King County Coalition meeting on September 9, 2021.
Following the completion of SKCMC’s 3-part roundtable series to allow partners to network, share best practices, and identify gaps, the SKCMC produced a report to promote the lessons learned. The distribution of this report will strengthen connections with partners and promote collaborative problem-solving across sectors.
Agenda and talking points for the July session of the SKCMC
Meeting notes from the July bimonthly session of the South King County Mobility Coalition. Discussion points include project proposals for the next fiscal year, community outreach efforts, and COVID-19 vaccination rates in South King County.
Meeting visuals and slides from the South King County Mobility Coalition bimonthly meeting in July. Slides include descriptions of proposed projects for the next fiscal year.
Meeting slides and visuals from the May session of the SKCMC.
Meeting Agenda for the May session of the SKCMC
Meeting notes including ciscussion topics and project updates from the May SKCMC meeting.
Promotion material for the 2021 SKCMC roundtable conversation project.
This document describes the what and why, the driving force behind the 2021 Roundtable Conversation Series hosted by SKCMC. Includes registration links, descriptions of each topic, and schedule.
This is the agenda from the April 30th Roundtable Conversation, hosted by SKCMC regarding regional community access to key resources. This session was offered as part of a series of reoundtable meetings which discussed priority topics for the South King County community.
Notes, including action items and key discussion points from the March 11th SKCMC meeting
Meeting visuals and presentation material from the March 11th SKCMC meeting.
Agenda, including presenters and discussion topics from the March 11th SKCMC meeting
This document outlines the Coalition's priorities for the calendar year of 2021. This document includes Coalition mission and vision, as well as descriptions of the 2021 projects and their anticipated timeline.
A word cloud resulting from the introduction exercise of the January 14th SKCMC meeting. These phrases represent the goals of Coalition members, and are what they hope to work toward in the year.
Agenda items and timeline of the January 14th SKCMC meeting
Slides and visuals used in the January 14th meeting of the SKCMC
Meeting notes and action items from the January SKCMC meeting.
A list of all SKCMC meetings for the 2021 calendar year.
Visual aids and presentation slides from the November 2020 SKCMC meeting.
Meeting notes from the final meeting of 2020 for South King County Mobility Coalition. Notes include conversation highlights regarding 2021 upcoming projects, coalition goals, and membership expansion.
Slides and visual material from the September 10, 2020 coalition meeting.
Notes from the September 10, 2020 coalition meeting.
Meeting notes from the South King County Mobility Coalition meeting which took place on July 9, 2020
The slidedeck from the South King County Mobility Coalition Meeting which took place on July 9, 2020
These slides feature a presentation on the Care Mobility Rewards Program and Sound Transit's Federal Way Link extension.
For the South King County Mobility Coalition January 2020 meeting, the group recieved a presentation on King County Metro's Tukwila Community Connections project and timeline.
This is a slide deck that accomponied a KCMC Education and Outreach field trip to learn more about two of King County's first / last mile transportation solutions, Via to Transit and Ride2.
These are notes compiled during a KCMC Education and Outreach field trip to learn more about two of King County's first / last mile transportation solutions, Via to Transit and Ride2.
Sound Transit provided an update on their Sounder services during the South King County Mobility Coalition meeting on May 9, 2019.
Sound Transit presented on the I-405 Bus Rapid Transit at the South King County Mobility Coalition on March 14, 2019.
The South King County Mobility Coalition produced a Food Access and Transportation Needs Assessment to evaluate the transportation barriers South King County residents face in accessing food retailers and food banks.
Sound Transit presented to the South King County Mobility Coalition during their November 2018 meeting on the Sound Sound Link Extensions.