Meeting notes from February 1, 2023 Access to Healthcare meeting. Topics include the KCMC Action Plan and how to embed healthcare into mobility conversations and projects.
This month, the Coalition welcomed Legislative Updates from City of Snoqualmie Mayor, Katherine Ross; discovered recent Snoqualmie Valley Transportation website updates from Amy Biggs, Director of SVT, details at; and heard from Julio Perez, NKCMC Coordinator, discussing a new partnership with UW Evans School consultants to conduct a regional environmental scan (1) identifying transportation barriers between King and Snohomish counties, and (2) possible solutions to improve ease of travel.
This month, the Coalition welcomed Legislative Updates from City of Snoqualmie Mayor, Katherine Ross; discovered recent Snoqualmie Valley Transportation website updates from Amy Biggs, Director of SVT, details at; and heard from Julio Perez, NKCMC Coordinator, discussing a new partnership with UW Evans School consultants to conduct a regional environmental scan (1) identifying transportation barriers between King and Snohomish counties, and (2) possible solutions to improve ease of travel.
Meeting Notes for February 23, 2023, North King County Mobility Coalition.
Meeting notes from the February 2023 Advisory Meeting. Topics include user testing methods, conversations of accessibility "blockers" and a group discussion regarding marketing strategies.
Meeting slides from the February 2023 Advisory Meeting. Topics include user testing methods, conversations of accessibility "blockers" and a group discussion regarding marketing strategies.
Small group discussions of the marketing strategies of the Find a Ride product launch.
On February 23, the North King County Mobility Coalition held the year's first meeting.
For the readers' convenience, two PDFs were combined to make one document. The bottom part of the PDF includes King County Metro's PowerPoint.
1) Lynnwood Link Connections Mobility Project Phase Two Overview
2) Shoreline Transportation Master Plan
3) Updates: Corss-County Transportation Master Plan
For any information regarding content or corrections to this document, please get in touch with Julio Perez at
Meeting notes from the first session of the 2023 calendar. Topics include the King County Metro Access Fleet Electrification project and the KCMC 2023-2025 Action Plan
Meeting slides from the 02/21/23 session. All visuals and charts available.
This month's Task Force meeting included SVMC Task Force debrief discussion regarding King County's 11/30/22 meeting - Regional Transportation Action Plan; regional priorities, including full weekend services, central valley connections to Redmond, WA, South King County commuter connections (SR-18), and first mile to last mile transportation options and fixed to feeder routes; and round table discussions involving Task Force work-study project for 2023.
Yearly calendar for all King County Mobility Coalitions, regional coalitions, and subcommittees.
The following achievements demonstrate our teamwork, resiliency, and creativity in accomplishing our mission.
Meeting visuals and slides from the South King County Mobility Coalition bimonthly meeting in January. Slides include announcements and presentations from King County Action Plan and Community Transportation Navigators updates and panel discussion.
EERC Meeting notes from 1-31-23 including updates on the Rides & Smiles pilot shuttle program, information about the Kirkland Comprehensive Plan, and updates about the Eastside Advocacy for Transportation Services group.
This month's Task Force meeting included SVMC Task Force debrief discussion regarding King County's 11/30/22 meeting - Regional Transportation Action Plan; regional priorities, including full weekend services, central valley connections to Redmond, WA, South King County commuter connections (SR-18), and first mile to last mile transportation options and fixed to feeder routes; and round table discussions involving Task Force work-study project for 2023.
Meeting slides from EERC coalition meeting held 1-31-23, including updates on the Rides & Smiles pilot shuttle program, information about the Kirkland Comprehensive Plan, and an update on the Eastside Advocacy for Transportation Services group.
EERC meeting agenda 1-31-23 including updates on the Rides & Smiles pilot shuttle project, information about the Kirkland Comprehensive Plan, and information about the Eastside Advocacy for Transportation Services group.
Highlights about the work the Coalition did throughout 2022
Last year, 2022, was marked by pandemic recovery, with in-person outreach activities, meetings, and conferences resuming due to the immense value and connection of in-person events. However, many meetings remained virtual given the option accommodated an increasied level of partner participation and satisfaction.
This month's Task Force meeting included SVMC Task Force debrief discussion regarding King County's 11/30/22 meeting - Regional Transportation Action Plan; regional priorities, including full weekend services, central valley connections to Redmond, WA, South King County commuter connections (SR-18), and first mile to last mile transportation options and fixed to feeder routes; and round table discussions involving Task Force work-study project for 2023
December 15, 2022, North King County Mobility Coalition (NKCMC) Meeting PowerPoint
1) NKCMC Cross-County Transportation Update
2) King County Mobility Coalition (KCMC) Work Plan
3) 2022 NKCMC Satisfaction Survey
A summary report of 2022 focus group efforts led by the Eastside Easy Rider Collaborative and the King County Mobility Coalition
SVMC celebrates their 5th anniversary, with Bree Boyce, Senior Manager of Coalitions Mobility Management; Bebhinn Gilbert, Program Supervisor of King County Mobility Coalition, discusses regional concerns and possible solutions to finalize the King County Mobility Coalition Action Plan.
SVMC celebrated their 5th anniversary, with Bree Boyce, Senior Manager of Coalitions Mobility Management; Bebhinn Gilbert, Program Supervisor of King County Mobility Coalition, discussed regional concerns and possible solutions to finalize the King County Mobility Coalition Action Plan.
SVMC celebrated their 5th anniversary, with Bree Boyce, Senior Manager of Coalitions Mobility Management; Bebhinn Gilbert, Program Supervisor of King County Mobility Coalition, discussed regional concerns and possible solutions to finalize the King County Mobility Coalition Action Plan.
Meeting notes from the December 2022 session of the Access to Healthcare Committee.
December 15, 2022, meeting notes.
Annual summary of work completed by the King County Mobility Coalition for the 2022 Calendar Year.
EERC Meeting notes including presentations from Phirun Lach, with Sound Generations regarding the Rides & Smiles pilot shuttle program, Daniel Lai with the City of Bellevue Transportation Department regarding pedestrian movements and traffic signals, Bebhinn Gilbert, with KCMC regarding the action plan, and Heather Clark, with results of the EERC Satisfaction Survey.
EERC Meeting slide deck including presentations from Phirun Lach, with Sound Generations regarding the Rides & Smiles pilot shuttle program, Daniel Lai with the City of Bellevue Transportation Department regarding pedestrian movements and traffic signals, Bebhinn Gilbert, with KCMC regarding the action plan, and Heather Clark, with results of the EERC Satisfaction Survey.
Meeting notes from the RARET Nov Workgroup Meeting
Meeting notes from November 10,2022 meeting
Meeting visuals and slides from the South King County Mobility Coalition bimonthly meeting in November. Slides include announcements and presentations from King County Play Equity and Community Transportation Navigators updates.
Project visioning document for the 2023-2025 Action Plan. Includes the goals, deliverables, and projected milestones for the work.
Meeting notes from the 10/5/22 meeting. Topics include a review of the Public Health King County Winter Weather Medical Transportation Procedures and updates on the Central Puget Sound One-Call/One-Click project.
Meeting presentation slides from the 10/5/22 meeting. Topics include a review of the Public Health King County Winter Weather Medical Transportation Procedures and updates on the Central Puget Sound One-Call/One-Click project.
Meetings materials from the Snoqualmie Valley Mobility Coalition Meeting, 10.14.22. Presenter Councilmember Sarah Perry, with an overview of Snoqualmie Valley transportation needs and proposed future plans.
Snoqualmie Valley Coalition Meeting Notes, dated 10.14.22. Meeting previewed Representative Sarah Perry's annual agenda for SV transportation assessment and needs, included in slide presentation, along with coalition updates and information.
Notes from the October Advisory Meeting. Discussion topics include language capabilities and eligibilitiy filters for the trip planner
The PowerPoint shared during the North King County Mobility Coalition (NKCMC) meeting on October 27, 2022
One-Call/One-Click Advisory Committee meeting notes, topics include the eligibility filters and translation standards for the upcoming system.
Post meeting notes for the North King County Mobility Coalition (NKCMC) meeting on October 27, 2022
Agenda items
One-Call/One-Click Advisory Committee meeting presentation slides, topics include the eligibility filters and translation standards for the upcoming system.
Meeting Notes from the Eastside Easy Rider Collaborative Meeting held 9-27-22, including presentations about the Eastside Mobility for All grant project, the Bellevue Comprehensive Plan, and Frequency in Transit.
Meeting Agenda for Eastside Easy Rider Collaborative Meeting held 9-27-22 including an update from the Eastside Mobility for All grant project, the Bellevue Comprehensive Plan, and Frequency in Transit
Meeting slides from the Eastside Easy Rider Collaborative meeting held 9-27-22, including presentations about the Bellevue Comprehensive Plan 2044 and Frequency in Transit from WSDOT
Content includes discussion of branding and eligibility factors.
Meeting notes from Septemner 8, 2022 meeting
Meeting visuals and slides from the South King County Mobility Coalition bimonthly meeting in September. Slides include announcements and presentation from King County Free Youth Transit Pass.
Meeting notes from the September 2022 session of the Access to Work and School Roundtable. Topic of the session: Connections to Campus.
Presentation material from the August 12, 2022 SVMC meeting.
Principal components included in the One-Call/One-Click project plan as of August 2022. Principal Components are the key features which will make up the One-Call/One-Click tool. They are listed in priority order, details include opportunities for overlap and partnering with other regional projects. This resource has been updated and the information is found in the Project Roadmap.
The Snoqualmie Valley Mobility Coalition Coordinated Awareness Campaign sought to share transportation information in a coordinated and clear fashion in all Valley cities. This evaluation report details the coordinated efforts.
Notes from the August 12, 2022 meeting of SVMC. Topics include presentations from Mountains to Sound Greenway and Trailhead to Direct
Post NKCMC meeting notes
1) New Partner: Aurora Reimagined Coalition
Lee Burch--Aurora Reimagined Coalition
2) Announcement: Aurora Ave Project
Christa Dumpys--SDOT and Hannah Faires
3) Discussion: Cross-County Transportation
Julio Perez--Hopelink
Agenda outlining the August 12, 2022 SVMC meeting.
Meeting notes from the August 16, 2022 King County Mobility Coalition quarterly meeting. Topics include a review of the Seattle Department of Transportation Ride Now pilot and a roundtable conversation from King County transportation providers who are applying for WSDOT consolidated grant funding.
Meeting presentation slides, include slides from the SDOT Ride Now pilot.
Meeting presentation slides including Eastside Friends of Seniors and Bellevue Safe Streets for All grant project from 7-26-22
Meeting visuals and slides from the South King County Mobility Coalition bimonthly meeting in July. Slides include announcements, presentation from Orting Veteran's Project from Pierce County.
This document details the Snoqualmie Valley Mobility Coalition's goals and priorities for 2022 - 2023.It outlines several potential projects for the Coalition.
Meeting Notes for Eastside Easy Rider Collaborative meeting held 7-26-22, including presentations from Eastside Friends of Seniors and Bellevue Safe Streets for All grant application.
Guiding Principles of the Emergency Transportation Provider Network
This document outlines the Coalition's priorities for the calendar year of 2023. This document includes Coalition mission and vision, as well as descriptions of the 2023 projects and their anticipated timeline.
Workplan for Fiscal Year 2023 for Eastside Easy Rider Collaborative
The North King County Mobility Coalition Fiscal Year 2023 Work Plan
The June 23, 2022, North King County Mobility Coalition Meeting.
1) New ORCA Retail Network
2) The City of Bothell Bike Plan 2022
Snotrac Subareas Commitees
For your convenience, two pdfs were merged into one for quick access. To view Snotrac's Sub County Committee PowerPoint, please scroll to page 44.
PowerPoint Presentations
1. New ORCA Retail Network (pages 7-12)
Presenter: Jason Campos, Transportation City Planner
2. City of Bothell Bike Plan 2022 (Pages 14-36)
Presenter: Sherman Goong, Transportation City Planner
3. Sub County Committees (Pages 44-68)
Brock Howell, Director, Snotrac
Meeting presentation material from June 27, 2022. Content includes discussion questions and project updates.
Meeting notes from June 27, 2022 discussion topics include user testing outreach and data communication.
Meeting notes from June's Access to Healthcare meeting. Topics include a presentation on the Road to Recovery Program.
Meeting notes from the June session of the Access to Work and School Roundtable session. Topics include youth outreach and all reduced fare options in the region
Meeting visuals and slides from the South King County Mobility Coalition bimonthly meeting in May. Slides include announcements, presentation from Metro with ORCA updates, On-Demand Transportation Program, and Lyft's engagement opportunities.
Meeting notes from May quarterly meeting. Content includes discussion of New ORCA retail network expansion and the Washington State Consolidated Grant process.
Meeting visuals from May 2022.
Eastside Easy Rider Collaborative Meeting Presentation Slides including presentations regarding East Link, New ORCA, Eastside Mobility for All, and Fiscal Year 2023 plans.
Eastside Easy Rider Collaborative Notes including the following topics: East Link, New ORCA, Eastside Mobility for All grant project, and Fiscal Year 2023 plans.
These are meeting slides and visuals from April 28, 2022 NKCMC meeting. The Sound Transit PowerPoint presentation and Shoreline Transportation Master Plan have been combined into one PDF.
Agenda Items:
1) Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements
2) Shoreline Transportation Master Plan
3) Sound Transit’s Bus Rapid Transit Project
4) Everett Link Light Rail Extension
5) NKCMC Project Updates
Summary Report from Hopelink Mobility Management reviewing coordination efforts and lessons learned over the past year of Pandemic Response. Report elements include Coordinated Vaccine Helpline Data.
Presentation material includes data adoption workplan.
Finalized meeting notes for the April 28, 2022 coalition meeting.
Notes include conversation on the Hopelink Mobility team coordinated response to Covid-19 pandemic.
Notes from the April Advisory Committee meeting. Topics include the data adoption workplan.