Meeting presentation slides, include slides from the SDOT Ride Now pilot.
Post NKCMC meeting notes
1) New Partner: Aurora Reimagined Coalition
Lee Burch--Aurora Reimagined Coalition
2) Announcement: Aurora Ave Project
Christa Dumpys--SDOT and Hannah Faires
3) Discussion: Cross-County Transportation
Julio Perez--Hopelink
Meeting presentation slides including Eastside Friends of Seniors and Bellevue Safe Streets for All grant project from 7-26-22
Meeting visuals and slides from the South King County Mobility Coalition bimonthly meeting in July. Slides include announcements, presentation from Orting Veteran's Project from Pierce County.
This document details the Snoqualmie Valley Mobility Coalition's goals and priorities for 2022 - 2023.It outlines several potential projects for the Coalition.
Workplan for Fiscal Year 2023 for Eastside Easy Rider Collaborative
Meeting Notes for Eastside Easy Rider Collaborative meeting held 7-26-22, including presentations from Eastside Friends of Seniors and Bellevue Safe Streets for All grant application.
Guiding Principles of the Emergency Transportation Provider Network
This document outlines the Coalition's priorities for the calendar year of 2023. This document includes Coalition mission and vision, as well as descriptions of the 2023 projects and their anticipated timeline.
The North King County Mobility Coalition Fiscal Year 2023 Work Plan
The June 23, 2022, North King County Mobility Coalition Meeting.
1) New ORCA Retail Network
2) The City of Bothell Bike Plan 2022
Snotrac Subareas Commitees
For your convenience, two pdfs were merged into one for quick access. To view Snotrac's Sub County Committee PowerPoint, please scroll to page 44.
PowerPoint Presentations
1. New ORCA Retail Network (pages 7-12)
Presenter: Jason Campos, Transportation City Planner
2. City of Bothell Bike Plan 2022 (Pages 14-36)
Presenter: Sherman Goong, Transportation City Planner
3. Sub County Committees (Pages 44-68)
Brock Howell, Director, Snotrac
Meeting notes from June's Access to Healthcare meeting. Topics include a presentation on the Road to Recovery Program.
Meeting notes from June 27, 2022 discussion topics include user testing outreach and data communication.
Meeting notes from the June session of the Access to Work and School Roundtable session. Topics include youth outreach and all reduced fare options in the region
Meeting presentation material from June 27, 2022. Content includes discussion questions and project updates.
Eastside Easy Rider Collaborative Notes including the following topics: East Link, New ORCA, Eastside Mobility for All grant project, and Fiscal Year 2023 plans.
Eastside Easy Rider Collaborative Meeting Presentation Slides including presentations regarding East Link, New ORCA, Eastside Mobility for All, and Fiscal Year 2023 plans.
Meeting visuals from May 2022.
Meeting notes from May quarterly meeting. Content includes discussion of New ORCA retail network expansion and the Washington State Consolidated Grant process.
Meeting visuals and slides from the South King County Mobility Coalition bimonthly meeting in May. Slides include announcements, presentation from Metro with ORCA updates, On-Demand Transportation Program, and Lyft's engagement opportunities.
Finalized meeting notes for the April 28, 2022 coalition meeting.
Summary Report from Hopelink Mobility Management reviewing coordination efforts and lessons learned over the past year of Pandemic Response. Report elements include Coordinated Vaccine Helpline Data.
Presentation material includes data adoption workplan.
These are meeting slides and visuals from April 28, 2022 NKCMC meeting. The Sound Transit PowerPoint presentation and Shoreline Transportation Master Plan have been combined into one PDF.
Agenda Items:
1) Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements
2) Shoreline Transportation Master Plan
3) Sound Transit’s Bus Rapid Transit Project
4) Everett Link Light Rail Extension
5) NKCMC Project Updates
Notes include conversation on the Hopelink Mobility team coordinated response to Covid-19 pandemic.
Notes from the April Advisory Committee meeting. Topics include the data adoption workplan.
This document outlines the Coalition's priorities for the calendar year of 2022. This document includes Coalition mission and vision, as well as descriptions of the 2022 projects and their anticipated timeline.
Meeting visuals and slides from the South King County Mobility Coalition bimonthly meeting in January. Slides include announcements, Community Transportation Navigators Project, and notes from Sound Transit and SKC Trips.
Presenation inlcudes a timeline of work to date.
Notes from the roundtable topic: equitable transportation demand management strategies.
Meeting presentation slide deck including presentations from 211, Bus Rapid Transit, and an update on the Eastside Mobility for All grant project.
Eastside Easy Rider Collaborative Meeting Notes including presentations from 211, Bus Rapid Transit, and an update from the Eastside Mobility for All grant project.
Topics included in these notes include a discussion of data standardization.
The following achievements demonstrate our teamwork, resiliency, and creativity in accomplishing our mission.
Current draft meeting notes from the February KCMC meeting. Content includes WSDOT Statewide Human Services Plan; Crisis Connections Ride 211; and SDOT Mobility On Demand.
Presentation visuals from the KCMC February meeting. Content includes information on King County 211.
Written meeting notes summarizing the Feb. 24th meeting of the North King County Mobility Coalition. Topics include review of resources available at Shoreline Hopelink, RARET, and the Metro Lynnwood Link Connection project.
Meeting visuals from the Feb 24th NKCMC meeting.
Presentation materials from WSDOT. Given during the February 2022 meeting. Slides detail the work and goals of the Statewide Human Services Plan.
The following achievements demonstrate our teamwork, resiliency, and creativity in accomplishing our mission.
A list of dates and times for all KCMC meetings for the 2022 calendar year. Includes KCMC meetings and scheduled subcommittee meetings; Access to Healthcare and the Access to Work and School Roundtable.
All mobility coalition meetings for the calendar year 2022. This document is a visualization of teh calendar year 2022 with dates highlighted by different colors for each of the Hopelink Mobility Management coaltions and subcomittees.
Meeting notes from Janurary 13, 2022 meeting
Meeting visuals and slides from the South King County Mobility Coalition bimonthly meeting in January. Slides include SKCMC 2021 Achievement's Summary, RARET recap of extreme weather presentations, and announcements.
Sound Transit's presentation on Link Light Rail expansion project.
Changes in programming at Redmond Senior Center.
Meeting notes from the January Advisory Committee meeting. Notes include detailed conversations on the ways in which users will find and interact with the One-Call/One-Click system.
Meeting visuals from the January Advisory Committee session. Visuals include flow charts of how users may interact with the One-Call/One-Click system.
Presentation slides from 1-25-22
Summary of projects and impact of the NKCMC in the calendar year 2021.
This draft resource lays out project ideas for the South King County Mobility Coalition to pursue during the 2019-2021 time frame.
Meeting notes from the December session of the Access to Healthcare committee.
These are the meeting slides and visuals from the December session of the NKCMC. Topics include Spanish Outreach Project and Kenmore City Comprehensive Plan
Meeting presentation from the December session of the One-Call/One-Click Advisory Committee. Presentation materials include a detailed schedule of the project and its components. Schedule is highly visual, please reach out to Bebhinn Gilbert to request a version of the schedule that is accessible to screen readers.
Meeting notes from the December session of the One-Call/One-Call Advisory Committee meeting. Topics include updates to the schedule and progress of the project and the review of rider profiles as a concept.
These are the meeting notes for the December session of the NKCMC. Discussion topics included: The Spanish Outreach Project Update and Kenmore City Comprehensive Plan.
Meeting presentation from November KCMC meeting.
Meeting notes from november 11, 2021 meeting
Meeting visuals and slides from the South King County Mobility Coalition bimonthly meeting in November. Slides include descriptions of 2021 wrap up, and presentations from Community Transportation Navigators Program and Community Van - Skyway Program.
Meeting minutes from the November 16, 2021 KCMC meeting. Discussion and presentation topics include New ORCA promotion material and transportation resources available to refugee community members.
Presentation from the Refugee Resettlement Office given to KCMC at the November 2021 quarterly meeting. Presenation provided context for King County as we welcome refugees from Afghanistan.
Meeting visuals and presentation material from the November 2021 meeting.
Meeting notes from the EERC November session
Presentation materials from Sound Transit, given to the EERC during the November 2021 meeting. The presentation covers the East Link extention project.
These are the meeting slides and visuals from the October session of the NKCMC. Topics include North King County Service Changes Project, Spanish Outreach Project Update and One Call/One Click Project details.
The notes from the October Access to Healthcare meeting. Topics include integration of this committee into the One-Call/One-Click project.
These are the meeting notes for the October session of the NKCMC. Discussion topics included: North King County Transportation Service Changes Project, Spanish Outreach Project Update and One-Call/One-Click project
These are the slides shared by Staci Sahoo during the October, 2021 NKCMC meeting, detailing One Call/One Click project.
Meeting notes from the October 25, 2021 Advisory Committee meeting. Discussion topics include minor project updates, establishment of an honorarium policy, discussion of the principal components of the One-Call/One-Click system.