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Inclusive Planning Toolkit 2021 

This is a final deliverable of the King County Mobility Coalition's Inclusive Planning Round 2 efforts, as advised by the Inclusive Planning Toolkit Workgroup. It is a living document meant to compile relevant information on facilitating accessible and inclusive meetings, engagement, and partnerships.

Feb 2021

King County Mobility Coalition Meeting Slides - February 16, 2021 

This slide deck features a presentation from Hopelink Education and Outreach, Find A Ride, and a discussion on vaccine transportation.

Feb 2021

King County Mobility Coalition Community Transportation Needs Assessment - 2021 

The King County Mobility Coalition has published this important resource to identify transportation needs related to the Coalition's priority populations. This needs assessment, the last of which was completed by the Coalition in 2014, will inform regional planning, funding, and solutions. A total of 21 needs were uncovered and 8 emerging trends. This assessment is informed by a review of 49 diverse resources.

Feb 2021

King County Metro Vanpool Presentation Slides - February 12, 2021 

Slides from Vanpool presentation by Julie Paone

Feb 2021

North King County Mobility Coalition Meeting Slides - February 25, 2021 

Includes presentation from the City of Shoreline on updates to their Transportation Master Plan

Feb 2021

South King County Mobility Coalition Meeting Agenda - January 14, 2021 

Agenda items and timeline of the January 14th SKCMC meeting

Jan 2021

2021 South King County Mobility Coalition Meeting Schedule 

A list of all SKCMC meetings for the 2021 calendar year.

Jan 2021

EERC 2021 Meeting Schedule 

A list of all EERC meetings for the 2021 calendar year.

Jan 2021

Access to Work and School 2021 Changes Document 

This document details the changes the formerly Access to Work and School Committee will undergo beginning in 2021, now as the Access to Work and School Roundtable.

Jan 2021

South King County Mobility Coalition Meeting Notes - January 14, 2021 

Meeting notes and action items from the January SKCMC meeting.

Jan 2021

South King County Mobility Coalition Meeting Slides - January 14, 2021 

Slides and visuals used in the January 14th meeting of the SKCMC

Jan 2021

South King County Mobility Coalition 2021 Work Plan 

This document outlines the Coalition's priorities for the calendar year of 2021. This document includes Coalition mission and vision, as well as descriptions of the 2021 projects and their anticipated timeline.

Jan 2021

South King County Mobility Coalition 2021 Goals Word Cloud 

A word cloud resulting from the introduction exercise of the January 14th SKCMC meeting. These phrases represent the goals of Coalition members, and are what they hope to work toward in the year.

Jan 2021

RARET Meeting Notes - January 27th 2021 

Meeting Notes from the January 27th 2021 RARET Workgroup.

Jan 2021

North King County Mobility Coalition Meeting Slides - December 17, 2020 

Includes discussion of 2021 workplan.

Dec 2020

King County Mobility Coalition 2015-2020 Action Plan 

This document is the Action Plan for the King County Mobility Coalition from 2015 to 2020.

Dec 2020

King County Mobility Coalition 2020 Project Chart 

This is a chart displaying the King County Mobility Coalition's various projects, in GANTT format, for 2020.

Dec 2020

North King County Mobility Coalition 2020 Gaps Analysis 

This report aims to compile the transportation needs and gaps of people living in the North King County region in a single, referenceable document that will be used to inform upcoming transportation changes and initiatives in North King County.

Dec 2020

GAPS Analysis One Pager 

Executive Summary about the 2020 GAPS Analysis Project

Dec 2020

Subsidized Annual Pass Program Slides 

This presentation was given by Lindsey Greto of King County Metro during the November 17th, 2020 King County Mobility Coalition meeting.

Nov 2020

United Way and DoorDash Food Delivery Partnership Slides 

This presentation was given by Madeline Vistica of United Way during the November 17th, 2020 King County Mobility Coalition meeting.

Nov 2020

King County Metro Transportation Navigators Pilot Program Slides 

This presentation was given by Daniel Rowe of King County Metro and David Phillips of the University of Notre Dame's Lab for Economic Opportunity during the November 17th, 2020 King County Mobility Coalition meeting.

Nov 2020

Sound Transit Link Light Rail Progress Updates Slides 

This presentation was given by Carrie Avila-Mooney of Sound Transit during the November 17th, 2020 King County Mobility Coalition meeting.

Nov 2020

South King County Mobility Coalition Meeting Notes - November 12, 2020 

Meeting notes from the final meeting of 2020 for South King County Mobility Coalition. Notes include conversation highlights regarding 2021 upcoming projects, coalition goals, and membership expansion.

Nov 2020

South King County Mobility Coalition Meeting Slides - November 12, 2020 

Visual aids and presentation slides from the November 2020 SKCMC meeting.

Nov 2020

North King County Mobility Coalition Meeting Slides - October 22, 2020 

Includes presentation from King County Metro on their new Subsidized Annual Pass

Oct 2020

South King County Mobility Coalition Meeting Notes - September 10, 2020 

Notes from the September 10, 2020 coalition meeting.

Sep 2020

South King County Mobility Coalition Meeting Slides - September 10, 2020 

Slides and visual material from the September 10, 2020 coalition meeting.

Sep 2020

RARET Roundtable: Transportation During & Beyond COVID-19 - Event Slides 2020 

These slides accompanied the RARET Resiliency Roundtable: Transportation During & Beyond COVID-19 event.

Sep 2020

Inclusive Planning Toolkit Project Charter 

This is the project charter for the Inclusive Planning Toolkit, a project of the King County Mobility Coalition's Inclusive Planning grant.

Aug 2020

Transportation for Pandemic Response Program Presentation Slides  

Matthew Weidner of King County Metro presented to the Access to Healthcare Committee on August 5th, 2020 about the Transportation for Pandemic Response (TPR) Program, a joint partnership between Seattle / King County Public Health, King County Metro, and MV Transit.

Aug 2020

Impacts of the West Seattle Bridge Closure Presentation Slides 

Peaches Thomas of Duwamish Valley Safe Streets and Don Brubeck of West Seattle Bike Connections presented on Impacts of the West Seattle Bridge Closure with an emphasis on work and school to the Access to Work and School Committee on August 11th, 2020.

Aug 2020

North King County Mobility Coalition Meeting Slides - August 27, 2020 

Includes presentation from PSRC about Human Services Transportation plan, as well as King County Metro on North Link feedback from Hopelink clients.

Aug 2020
Showing 401-500 of 953 items.