This summary was created on best practices to engage small businesses based on research and interviews conducted for the Small Business Transportation Toolkit, an Access to Work and School Commitee project.
Includes timeline of NKCMC Gaps analysis project, and discussion of COVID-19 impact on transit.
Notes from the March 25th meeting of the RARET workgroup.
The King County Mobility Coalition, through the Inclusive Planning One-Call One-Click Workgroup, has published a One-Call One-Click Business Plan that focuses on the planning, implementation, and timeline of bringing a One-Call One-Click system to King County and the Puget Sound region.
These slides feature a presentation on the Care Mobility Rewards Program and Sound Transit's Federal Way Link extension.
These slides for the King County Mobility Coalition's February 18th, 2020 meeting contain a presentation from King County Metro on their final Income-based Fare Program, Transportation Advocacy 101 by the Transportation Choices Coalition, an ending Inclusive Planning grant update, and other breifings.
This is the project charter specifically for the pilot Community Transportation Navigators program. This program is an extension of the King County Mobility Coalition's Inclusive Planning efforts.
These slides from the Access to Healthcare Committee meeting on February 5th, 2020 detail Care Mobility Rewards Program updates, the closing of the Inclusive Planning grant, and the Committee's 2019 satisfaction survey.
This was the original job description shared to recuirt Navigators for the Community Transportation Navigators pilot program.
Planned service route changes coming to the North King County Region as presented to the NKCMC by King County Metro at their February 2020 meeting.
Meeting Slides
Includes presentations on Community Transit's Lynnwood Needs Assessment, and Metro's North Link service change.
This document details the feedback received through Round 1 and Round 2 of the King County Mobility Coalition's Inclusive Planning grant as it relates to a One-Call One-Click system. It compiles information gathered from summits, listening sessions, outreach, and surveying.
This document reviews project priorities of the Access to Healthcare Committee for a yearly work-plan.
For the South King County Mobility Coalition January 2020 meeting, the group recieved a presentation on King County Metro's Tukwila Community Connections project and timeline.
In order to come together as a region and
coordinate the future of transportation services, we have created a 5-Year Transportation Plan for Snoqualmie
Valley cities. The purpose of this plan is:
To create a coordinated transportation plan uniting all cities in Snoqualmie
Valley and the surrounding region.
This document reviews a variety of accomplishments the King County Mobility Coalition achieved through it's collaboration, coordination, and advocacy in 2018.
This report details the lessons learned and process of the One-Call One-Click Prototype conducted in November 2019.
These are frequently asked questions and notes compiled during a KCMC Education and Outreach field trip to tour North Eastside Mobility Project changes.
Meeting Slides
This slide deck for the King County Mobility Coalition's November 19th, 2019 meeting shares a presentation on One-Call One-Click among other briefings.
This report was compiled by The Vida Agency to inform the creation of Community Transportation Navigators program.
This document shares the findings and information compiled after interviews with parallel peer-to-peer model programs to contribute to a Community Transportation Navigator program.
This slide deck features a presentation from The Vida Agency about their interviews for the Community Transportation Navigators program.
This is the project charter for the One-Call One-Click Prototype study conducted in November 2019.
Meeting Slides
Slides for this Access to Healthcare Committee meeting on October 2nd, 2019 introduce the Committee to the Care Mobility Rewards program among other agenda topics.
The EERC is hosting an ongoing series of Coffee Talk events in collaboration with Senior Centers and Community Centers on the Eastside.
Meeting Slides
These are frequently asked questions and notes compiled during a KCMC Education and Outreach field trip to tour Sound Transit's Connect 2020 changes occurring in January to March of 2020.
Meeting Slides
The King County Mobility Coalition, through it's Access to Work and School Committee, produced this helpful handout to determine the different types of ORCA cards an individual can qualify for.
The King County Mobility Coalition, through it's Access to Work and School Committee, produced this helpful handout to determine the different types of ORCA cards an individual can qualify for. This is the Spanish version of the resource.
The King County Mobility Coalition, through it's Access to Work and School Committee, produced this helpful handout to determine the different types of ORCA cards an individual can qualify for. This is the Chinese (simplified) version of the resource.
The King County Mobility Coalition, through it's Access to Work and School Committee, produced this helpful handout to determine the different types of ORCA cards an individual can qualify for. This is the Chinese (traditional) version of the resource.
The King County Mobility Coalition, through it's Access to Work and School Committee, produced this helpful handout to determine the different types of ORCA cards an individual can qualify for. This is the Filipino (Tagalog) version of the resource.