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Find a Ride Advisory Meeting Notes December 2024
Find a Ride Advisory Meeting Notes October 2024
Find a Ride Advisory Committee Meeting slides, August 5, 2024
Find a Ride Advisory Committee Meeting Notes, August 5, 2024
Find a Ride Advisory Meeting Notes March 2024
This month's Advisory Committee meeting included: Project Milestones and Updates, FTA ICAM Grant follow-up, Q&A, Feedback from Community Testing, Soft-launch Readiness, and Continuous Improvements,
Join Hopelink, Every Ride Counts, and Find a Ride’s Advisory Members, in reaching out to the community and promoting Find a Ride’s new trip planner, now in a community testing phase!
This document's purpose is to summarize the lessons learned over the course of the past year. Such a retrospective is valuable for a project designed to innovate and advance the state of the field regarding technology tools in support of mobility for all. The content is based on the author's direct experience on the project as a technical resource and on interviews with vendors, Hopelink staff, and project stakeholders.
Find a Ride, a one-call/one-click project, Advisory Committee Meeting Notes from our 12/13/2023 special meeting to review Phase 1a Evaluation Report
The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) granted Find a Ride the opportunity to participate in their Every Ride Counts Pilot Program. Hopelink integrated the Every Ride Counts campaign branding and values into our marketing plan for Find a Ride’s trip planner. Through our inclusive planning process and ongoing coalition partnerships, we brought together public transit, human services transportation providers, aging and disability organizations, community leaders, and community members—including older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers. These community members gave feedback about NADTC’s Every Ride Counts Campaign from August through November 2023. As part of launching our trip planner website and recruiting community testers from these partners, we engaged in virtual and in-person community outreach.
This details methodology and findings from User Testing from April through October 2023 for Find a Ride's trip planner.
Meeting slides from the June 2023 Advisory Meeting. Topics include project progress, partnership marketing and Every Ride Counts pilot, and the Phase 1a user testing plan highlights.
Meeting notes from the June 2023 Advisory Meeting. Topics include project progress, partnership marketing and Every Ride Counts pilot, and the Phase 1a user testing plan highlights.
Meeting notes from the April 2023 Advisory Meeting. Topics include project progress, transportation services list, timeline for roadmap and the Phase 1a user testing plan highlights.
Meeting slides from the April 2023 Advisory Meeting. Topics include project progress, transportation services list, timeline for roadmap and the Phase 1a user testing plan highlights.
Find a Ride One-Call/One-Click Development Roadmap This document gives a high-level optimistic development roadmap for Find a Ride, a One-Call/One-Click system, that assumes the availability of funds. The phasing is anticipated chronologically, though opportunities or challenges may expediate or delay the eventual order
This is the Current Phase Timeline for the OC/OC project. The final stage is full launch and marketing in late Summer 2023.
Small group discussions of the marketing strategies of the Find a Ride product launch.
Meeting slides from the February 2023 Advisory Meeting. Topics include user testing methods, conversations of accessibility "blockers" and a group discussion regarding marketing strategies.
Meeting notes from the February 2023 Advisory Meeting. Topics include user testing methods, conversations of accessibility "blockers" and a group discussion regarding marketing strategies.
Notes from the October Advisory Meeting. Discussion topics include language capabilities and eligibilitiy filters for the trip planner
One-Call/One-Click Advisory Committee meeting presentation slides, topics include the eligibility filters and translation standards for the upcoming system.
Content includes discussion of branding and eligibility factors.
Principal components included in the One-Call/One-Click project plan as of August 2022. Principal Components are the key features which will make up the One-Call/One-Click tool. They are listed in priority order, details include opportunities for overlap and partnering with other regional projects. This resource has been updated and the information is found in the Project Roadmap.
Meeting presentation material from June 27, 2022. Content includes discussion questions and project updates.
Meeting notes from June 27, 2022 discussion topics include user testing outreach and data communication.
Presentation material includes data adoption workplan.
Notes from the April Advisory Committee meeting. Topics include the data adoption workplan.
Presenation inlcudes a timeline of work to date.
Topics included in these notes include a discussion of data standardization.
Meeting visuals from the January Advisory Committee session. Visuals include flow charts of how users may interact with the One-Call/One-Click system.
Meeting notes from the January Advisory Committee meeting. Notes include detailed conversations on the ways in which users will find and interact with the One-Call/One-Click system.
Meeting presentation from the December session of the One-Call/One-Click Advisory Committee. Presentation materials include a detailed schedule of the project and its components. Schedule is highly visual, please reach out to Bebhinn Gilbert bgilbert@hopelink.org to request a version of the schedule that is accessible to screen readers.
Meeting notes from the December session of the One-Call/One-Call Advisory Committee meeting. Topics include updates to the schedule and progress of the project and the review of rider profiles as a concept.
Meeting notes from the October 25, 2021 Advisory Committee meeting. Discussion topics include minor project updates, establishment of an honorarium policy, discussion of the principal components of the One-Call/One-Click system.
Meeting slides from the September session of the One-Call/One-Click Advisory Committee meeting
Notes from the September meeting of the One-Call/One-Click Advisory Committee. Discussion topics include diverse user needs, and technological requirements
These are meeting materials from the August session of the OCOC Advisory Committee meeting. Notes detail the scope of phase one of the One-Call/One-Click project as well as the role of the Advisory Committee.
Governance Structure document for the Advisory Committee and its role in the One Call/ One Click project.
Presentation materials for the August OCOC Advisory Committee meeting.
The King County Mobility Coalition, through the Inclusive Planning One-Call One-Click Workgroup, has published a One-Call One-Click Business Plan that focuses on the planning, implementation, and timeline of bringing a One-Call One-Click system to King County and the Puget Sound region.
This document details the feedback received through Round 1 and Round 2 of the King County Mobility Coalition's Inclusive Planning grant as it relates to a One-Call One-Click system. It compiles information gathered from summits, listening sessions, outreach, and surveying.
This report details the lessons learned and process of the One-Call One-Click Prototype conducted in November 2019.
This is the project charter for the One-Call One-Click Prototype study conducted in November 2019.
This slide deck for the King County Mobility Coalition's November 19th, 2019 meeting shares a presentation on One-Call One-Click among other briefings.
This is the project charter for the King County Mobility Coalition's work on a One-Call One-Click system through it's Inclusive Planning grant from April 1st, 2019 to January 31st, 2020.
This one-pager details the King County Mobility Coalition's participation in the City for All Hackathon, sponspored by City of Seattle and AARP.